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Can Social Media affect your Visa?

As an Australian temporary visa holder, you must comply with specific visa conditions imposed on your temporary visa. Breaching visa conditions may result in the cancellation of your Australian visa.

Under recent changes, visa condition 8303 is now mandatory for all temporary visas applied for and granted on or after 18 November 2017. This condition prohibits activities that:

“…endanger or threaten any individual, or activities disruptive to, or violence threatening harm to, the Australian community or a group within the Australian community”.

The Minister may determine that you have breached visa condition 8303 if there is evidence of you harassing, stalking, intimidating, bullying or threatening an individual or groups, including public hate speech or online vilification based on gender, sexuality, religion, or ethnicity. These actions do not necessarily need to result in a criminal sanction.

Social media is becoming increasingly intertwined with our lives and our digital footprints are often on full public display. It is therefore wise to be aware that your social media activities could have an adverse impact on your temporary visa.

SCA Connect offers a full range of migration advisory services. Please complete one of our free online assessments or contact one of our Registered Migration Agents for specific visa advice.

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute immigration advice. For more detailed and case specific information or advice, please contact SCA Connect.

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