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Experienced 482 Visa Migration Agents in Australia

The TSS (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa program is a temporary visa program that allows Australian businesses to sponsor skilled workers from overseas to fill shortages in the Australian labour market. The TSS visa program aims to help Australian businesses address specific skills shortages by allowing them to sponsor skilled workers from overseas to fill positions that Australian citizens or permanent residents cannot fill.

Through the TSS visa program, Australian businesses can sponsor skilled workers on a temporary from 1-4 years, depending on the visa stream and period of employment. This allows businesses to bring in workers with the skills and experience needed to fill specific positions while also helping to support the Australian economy by providing employment opportunities for skilled workers from overseas.

Applying for a TSS visa involves three steps that can be undertaken simultaneously.

Several streams are available under the TSS program, each of which has specific requirements and eligibility criteria. The subclass 482 visa has three streams: the Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) stream, the Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) stream, and the Labour Agreement stream.


1. Standard business sponsorship


To be eligible for business sponsorship under the TSS program, businesses must meet certain requirements, including:

  • Businesses must demonstrate that they are actively and lawfully operating in Australia. In certain circumstances, overseas businesses can be approved as a business sponsor.

  • Compliance with Australian laws: Businesses must demonstrate compliance with all relevant Australian laws and regulations.


2. Nomination


Under the TSS (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa program, Australian businesses can nominate skilled workers from overseas to fill shortages in the Australian labour market. To be eligible for nomination under the TSS program, businesses must meet certain requirements, including:

  • Labour market testing: Businesses must demonstrate that they have attempted to recruit locally for the position and have been unable to find a suitable Australian worker. This may involve advertising the position and providing evidence of the efforts made to recruit locally.

  • Market Rate Salary: Businesses must offer the nominated worker a salary, terms and conditions that align with the industry and the worker's level of experience and qualifications and not less than what they would offer an equivalent Australian employee.

  • A genuine need for the worker: Businesses must demonstrate that they have a genuine need for the worker and that the worker has the skills and experience needed to fill the nominated position.

  • Businesses must pay the Skilling Australian Fund (SAF) Levy.


3. Visa


There are several requirements that applicants must meet to be eligible for a subclass 482 visa, including:

  • English language proficiency: Applicants must meet certain English language proficiency requirements, which may vary depending on the stream and the occupation.

  • Skills and work experience: Applicants must have the necessary work experience and skills to fill the nominated position. This may vary depending on the stream and the occupation.

  • Skills assessment: Applicants may undergo a skills assessment to demonstrate that they have the necessary skills and qualifications for their nominated occupation. This may vary depending on the stream and the occupation.

  • Health and character: Applicants must meet certain health and character requirements.

  • Health insurance: Applicants must have adequate health insurance for their stay in Australia.


Get in touch with our migration agents today

Attaining a visa is a stressful and time-consuming process. Throughout Australia and its major cities of Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide, we streamline and ease the process for our clients, employers or individuals. Contact us to begin your 482 visa process today.

Telephone : +61 (03) 9002 4293

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