Jenny Murphy
Director | Senior Registered Migration Agent (MARN 0852535)
My passion and interest of other cultures, nationalities and seeing the world started from a young age. I was fortunate enough to participate in student exchange programs to the US and Indonesia whilst at High School. This kick started my desire to see the world and my teens and early 20’s was spent working to save for the next trip. I worked in both the Travel and Telecommunications Industry whilst studying a Bachelor of Business at night. I gained valuable corporate experience across a range of industries.
Once I finished my degree I spent two years in the UK on a working holiday – there was a lot more holiday than working involved and I took the opportunity to explore Europe and the Middle East. Whilst I have seen some amazing sights around the world the highlight of my travelling has always been the people I have met, the friendships I have created and the cultures I have been able to witness and experience.
Following my travel I returned to Australia and worked at the Department of Immigration before moving to SCA Connect (formerly Southern Cross Alliance) and becoming a Registered Migration Agent. I have participated and experienced Australian migration from all sides- working my way through the visa system with family migration, working at the Department of Immigration and then being a Registered Migration Agent since 2008.
My experiences and interest in multiculturalism and diversity means that working as a Registered Migration Agent feels like the perfect career for me. It combines my interests, professional background and education. My aim every day is that my expertise, experience, empathy and understanding assists all my clients by taking out the difficulty and stress of navigating the Australian visa system for them and guiding them through the visa process to achieve a visa solution.
+61 (3) 9002 4238