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SkillSelect Invitation Round Results for 21 December 2016
The results for the SkillSelect invitation round under the skilled migration program conducted on 21 December 2016 were recently released by DIBP. An analysis of the report reflected significant trends that may impact visa applicants for General Skilled Migration.
The minimum score at which the invitations were received for Skilled Independent subclass 189 visas remained at 60 for non-pro rata occupations. Invitations numbers were 1859 in this round. The current planning level is 1600, therefore the increase in invitation numbers for this round is to make up for the shortfall of invitations issued in the previous rounds. Certain occupations are subject to “pro-rata arrangements” due to the high level of demand and to ensure the availability of visa invitations for applicants during the entire program year. Since the number of Expression of Interests (EOI) lodged are more than the number of places, the points score and the waiting time for invitation are usually higher than normal. Registered nurses are now correctly removed from the pro-rata occupation list and will continue to receive invitations at 60 points.
Such occupations currently include:
1. Accountants 2. Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 3. ICT Business and System Analysts 4. Software and Applications Programmers 5. Computer Network Professionals 6. Electronics Engineer 7. Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 8. Other Engineering Professionals
While invitations being issued for Accountants, Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers remained at 70 points, it was 65 for the remainder of the occupations listed above. Given invitations were not issued in the previous rounds for ICT Business and System Analysts, there was an increase in the invitations for these occupations in this round. It is expected invites will continue to be issued at 65 points for ICT occupations. Less invitations and waiting time observed for Electronics Engineers suggests probability of further reduction in points back to 60. Similarly, only 17 invitations were issued for Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers which may see an increase in points or a longer waiting time for these occupations.
The SkillSelect program is based on “first come first served” as well as the number of points achieved from various attributes including age, English language ability, educational qualifications and work experience. The higher your points, the greater your chances to receive an invitation more quickly, especially for the occupations on the pro-rata occupation list. Consult our team of highly experienced Registered Migration Agents to lodge your EOI and to maximise your points to increase your opportunities of receiving an invitation more quickly.