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Bringing School Age Children to Australia


In most Australian states and territories after completion of year 10, or turning 16 it is usually compulsory to participate in full time education, training, or work or a combination of these activities until the age of 17.

As the end of the school holidays approach it is important for families relocating to Australia to ensure they thoroughly research and understand the education system in Australia and are aware of the tuition fees that apply to government schools as this will vary from state to state.

The cost of education in Australia can be high and often these expenses are not given adequate consideration when assessing the overall cost of relocating and living in Australia.

Policy surrounding Education and tuition fees are administered by state governments. You are encouraged to check with the relevant state government department of education for accurate and up to date information regarding the tuition fees payable and any fee exemptions that may apply depending on your visa subclass.

Independent and other non-government schools are able to set their own tuition fees. You should check directly with the school if additional fees are payable as the holder of a temporary visa. The cost of attending a non-government or independent schools varies considerably, with the most prestigious schools charging upwards of $20,000 per student per year.

Recent changes include the introduction of tuition fees for dependants of 457 visa holders living in South Australia. This is in line with other states charging tuition fees for 457 visa holders including NSW, ACT and WA.

The proposed changes will impact 457 visa holder arriving in south Australia after 1 January 2017, with the requirement extending to all 457 visa holders from January 2018.

The proposed contributions are:

  • $5,100 per year for each primary school aged student

  • $6,100 per year for each high school aged student

This amount would be charged for the eldest child with each sibling receiving a 10% discount.

The proposed fees would be means tested based on the families overall annual income. Further information is available here.

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