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A further insight for Employer Nomination Scheme applicants


The recent changes to the occupations list currently impacts the people applying under subclass 186 visa-Direct Entry Stream and not the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) Stream.

If you are a current 457 holder, intending to lodge an application for permanent visa under Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) post 19 April 2017, you must be aware of the following main facts:

186 TRT Stream If you have worked for the nominating employer on a 457 visa for the last two years, you may apply under this stream. This applies regardless of whether your occupation is currently being removed or listed in the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) or the Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL). Applicants applying under this stream are not immediately impacted by the changes, However given there will be further changes overt the next 12 months, we recommend applicants do not delay in proceeding with an application if eligible to do so, and are keen to pursue permanent residency.

186 Direct Entry Stream If you do not satisfy the criteria for 186 TRT, you may be eligible to apply under this stream, provided your nominated occupation is listed on MLTSSL or STSOL.

To review your eligibility, contact one of our Registered MIgration Agents today.

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