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457 Visa Changes - 1 July 2017


Occupation Lists

As of 1 July there has been changes to the occupation lists. The 457 program and ENS Direct Entry Stream share the same occupation lists. The new occupation lists apply to 457 applications lodged and not yet finalised, as well as new 457 applications lodged after 1 July 2017.

Occupations are still deemed to be in either the Medium to Long term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) or the Short Term Skill Occupation List (STSOL). The classification of the occupation determines the length of the 457 visa, with MLTSSL occupations allowing a 457 visa length of 4 years and the STSOL occupations a length of 2 years.

Caveats now apply to 67 occupations and apply to both the 457 program and the 186, Direct Entry Stream. Occupations cannot be used if the caveats cannot be met.

Certain occupations have been removed from the lists entirely, a number of occupations have been added back on, and some occupations have been moved between the STSOL and MLTSSL.

Removed occupations include: Equipment Hire Manager; Fleet Manager; Picture Framer; Property Manager; Psychotherapist; Real Estate Agent Principal; Real Estate Agent; Real Estate Agent Representative; Ship’s Engineer, Ship’s Master; Ship’s Officer and University Tutor.

A combined list of eligible occupations can be found here.

Some of the occupations that have been moved from the STSOL to the MLTSSL include senior management positions, environmental scientists and university lecturers. Some of the occupations which were removed from the occupation lists in April 2017, have now been included back on the occupation lists. These occupations include Air Transport Professionals, R&D Managers, Life Scientists, ICT Support Roles and Horse Trainers.

English Language Exemption

The English requirement remains the same for the 457 visa.

The exemption based on country of passport (UK, USA, Ireland, Canada and New Zealand) is still applicable.

The English language exemptions based on salary being above $96,400 has been removed for applications lodged after 1 July 2017. This high salary exemption will only apply for applicants working for an associated entity of the sponsor overseas.

Police Clearances

Police Clearances will be required for 457 applications lodged on or after 1 July 2017.

Skills Assessment for Trade Occupations

A formal skills assessment will be required for more trades and passport countries.


Contact SCA Connect today for an expert advice on strategic visa solutions to address the recent and upcoming legislative changes to migration.

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