Update for Accountants

SkillSelect is an online system that allows overseas skilled workers to be considered for a general skilled migration visa. To commence the process, an Expression of Interest (EOI) must be submitted through SkillSelect online.
General skilled migration visas (subclass 189 and 190) are point based visas. Applicants will be eligible to apply once they have accumulated the minimum score. An EOI ranks applicants based on information, such as nominated occupation, age, English ability, qualification and work experience. The highest ranked applicants are then invited by the DIBP on SkillSelect to apply for a general skilled migration visa.
Due to high demands, the occupation of Accountant is subject to pro rata arrangements. This means the occupation requires a higher pass score than non-prorated occupations to receive an invitation.
In the SkillSelect Invitation Round on 20 September 2017 the pass score required for the occupation of Accountant reached 85 points, up from 75 points in the previous rounds. The DIBP has since announced that this is a technical issue and no invitations will be issued for the occupation in the current invitation round of 4 October 2017. Invitations to accounting professions will be issued on resolution of the issue and the delay will not affect overall numbers.