Northern Territory Nomination update

The Northern Territory Government has received enough nomination applications to meet the full allocation for the 2024-25 program year. As a result, the online portal for new applications has been temporarily suspended.
All applications submitted prior to the suspension will continue to be assessed, and eligible applicants will receive nominations.
The program will reopen for new applications once nomination allocations for the 2025-26 program year are received.
During the suspension, new applications will still be accepted in exceptional circumstances for onshore applicants who meet criteria, with visa deadlines before 1 July 2025:
Applicants with visas expiring before 1 July 2025 who are not eligible for a Temporary Graduate Visa.
Applicants who will become ineligible for the GSM program due to age restrictions before 1 July 2025 (e.g., turning 45 or losing points for age, bringing their total migration points below 65).
Disclaimer: The information provided herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute immigration advice. For more detailed and case-specific information or advice, please get in touch with SCA Connect.